Living the city

l'urbain Benfica

Redefining the concept of a modern city house

Living the city

**The new adjectives** for a modern house in the city

The new adjectives for a modern house in the city


ur.ban |uh·bn

Characteristic of a city


func.tio.nal | fʌŋkʃənəl

Practical. Useful, easy to apply or use, well suited to the respective function in terms of configuration and dimensions

Intelligent | ɪnˈtel.ɪ.dʒənt

Who has the ability to understand


com.for.ta.ble | kʌmf(ə)təbl

That offers comfort; that ensures well-being


las.ting | ˈlɑːstɪŋ

That lasts or can last a long time


Benfica Between City and Nature

Benfica is the ideal place for young people and families looking for the best of both worlds. It stands out for its family and urban environment and its excellent accessibility to the centre of Lisbon.

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A practical and intelligent lifestyle

The Apartments have been designed to optimise interior space with intelligent solutions to help tidy up and organise, providing greater functionality and a more peaceful environment.

See apartments

Living the city